Little Miss Sunshine!!

A pinch of salt, a spoonful of sugar,a mixture of condiments,a dollop of cream... so are my stories, so are my dreams!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

journey back in time!

Dear diary,
So many things happened today that i cant wait to tell you.

Mom made my favorite ice cream today because i was so brave at the dentist uncle's place. i did not cry at all. Mom said she was proud of me. I looked up that word in the dictionary papa gave me and added it to my wordlist. Papa came home late again. I have not seen him home early in the past so many weeks now. Mom says he has lots to do at office. I wish i could see him at home more. I always go to sleep without seeing him. Mom says i would not have so many toys if he dint go to office.

You know,that girl Neeta, she took my pencil which papa had bought from US. I'm not talking to her anymore. she is so bad. My english miss said i write very well. She made me read out a whole chapter in front of the class. I hate to do maths homework. Mom says it is very important but i dont get any of the answers right. I dont like it when teacher says my answers are wrong

Papa gave me a coluring set yesterday. it has so many different colours, a brush and a book. Papa says i draw well. I like to draw and colour it. It makes me happy. but mom says i have to spend time in studying too. I will always listen to mom. She always takes care of me. Sometimes she makes me cry but she always makes good food, she drops me at school, picks me back, plays house house with me and makes me laugh.

Now im is bedtime. i will write to you again tomorrow. bye.

Meera was looking at her own self, who she was, at the age of 8. somehow she felt things still haven't changed a lot. Her mother was still her rock solid support. She still hated some people not because they took her pencil but because they took people whom she wanted to be with, away from her. She still saw her dad once in a blue moon as he was flying between continents pretty often and she still got exicited at the thought of having a paint brush in hand and a potrait board in front of her. But yes, as every one of us does,

she too wished she could go back....
back when she was just 8....
back when birthdays were cheerful, funfilled with friends...
back when exams were your worst enemies...
back when you could sleep at 10 (though you never wanted to)...
back in time...
back in space....